Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"This is the biggest growth area in all of urology," he says.
"Both my mother and father are here for the urology conference.
He left the cosmetic urology clinic and did not return.
By accident, I was put on a month of urology rotations.
He is closing his rural urology practice to take an academic position this fall.
His works on urine laid much of the foundation for later study in urology.
He retired as chief of urology in 1982 after suffering a stroke.
These organizations are dedicated to educating patients with urology problems.
"My mom is here with the medical convention, the Urology conference.
Outcomes of patients screened at the urology clinic are also not available.
Originally Clover developed an interest in the field of urology.
The remaining product categories are urology, surgery, general health and international sales.
The hospital has some new departments, including cancer, urology and radiotherapy.
Urology is available on a day case, inpatient and outpatient basis.
After the war, he did postgraduate work in urology.
Harris had been much interested in gynaecology, but now began to make a special study of urology.
I am board certified in internal medicine, gynecology and urology.
There are over 300 Urology day cases and 500 inpatients per annum.
Urology - branch of medicine that deals with the urinary system.
At a urology meeting, he was wearing sweat pants.
He was a respected teacher of young clinicians and established a urology fellowship.
A urology resident finally managed to get a catheter into the bladder.
The center has about 3,300 monkeys, which it uses for research on infectious diseases, urology and other medical concerns.
He is also actively promoting the development of robotic surgery in Indian urology.
So her team then sent the paper to The Journal of Urology.