Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
An organization uses structure and resources and power to make things happen.
Schumann is often criticized for using structure merely as a framework on which to spread the themes.
Blobmeisters use software the way modernists used structure: as a springboard for form.
The two valves usually articulate with one another using structures known as "teeth" which are situated along the hinge line.
The used structures for control activities are:
During the 1990s through the present, the neighborhood has been reversing a slow decline with the widespread rehabilitation of residential, commercial, and mixed use structures.
He uses structure formulas that remind of Boulez.
Without homology information, protein threading can still use structure information to produce good prediction.
First, the use structure of information became even more detached from the data storage structure of that information.
Like Petrarch, Shakespeare used structure to explore the multiple facets of a theme in a short piece.
In general, the construction of the compact real form uses structure theory of semisimple Lie algebras.
"The Wall Street banks used structure finance to aid and abet Enron's fraud."
Conses can also easily be used to implement trees and other complex data structures; though it is usually advised to use structure or class instances instead.
It was designed to use structures (similar to structures in the C language) to keep tabs on every user and every task.
AP23464 was identified using structure base drug design and focused synthetic libraries of trisubstituted purine analogs.
It supports the idea that humans did not evolve new brain structures for language but used structures that were present in other animals, he said.
Mr. Vinoly uses structure the way Balanchine used music, as a sympathetic support for formal invention.
If they're going to use structure, these musicians want structures that keep them on their toes, with shifty meters and cantankerous, stop-start melodies.
Secondly data structures are already beginning to come apart from use structures and GIS plays a central role in this.
Floors may be built on beams or joists or use structures like prefabricated hollow core slabs.
Currently structures are generated randomly using a prefabrication system using structure definition maps opening the possibility for modding.
Among inner city riders, using structures such as stairs, ledges, hubbas, handrails, speedbumps, and gaps.
It is also difficult to tell when exactly a grammatical structure has been learned, as learners may use structures correctly in some situations but not in others.
In addition, the language used in the later kanazōshi is more realistic, and male and female characters speak using structures that are specific to their gender.
The International Construction Code requires that only fire resistant components may be used for construction of publicly used structures.