Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
However, Marx did not believe labour only was the source of use value in things.
Hence learning has to be fun or have some obvious use value.
Intellectuals often choose to support ideas for their use value.
Teaching people programming is far more important than just its immediate use value.
Even when they break, they've been paid for in use value alone."
The other three aspects are use value, value and price.
A is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values common to each.
Use value is the real satisfaction yielded by the commodity.
This is larger than the frequently used value of, which would put the pulsar at 2.5kpc.
Each process only uses values stored in the local memory of the processor.
Furthermore, they were used only where an owner had actually offered his land for sale at a price above existing use value.
To start with there is the distinction between exchange value and use value.
A commodity also has a use value, an exchange value and a price.
Languages which use instead of can also use values as keys.
Such goods, in an eco-socialist analysis, produce exchange values but have no use value.
Reproductive labour and use value are central themes here.
The number of record types is limited to 255; some commonly used values are:
One other format proposal uses values pegged to a single diet.
However, value does not mean anything unless it conjoins back to use value.
And even if Saab is not reincarnated, used values should stabilise.
Fiat money, like any check or note of debt, is without intrinsic use value as a physical commodity.
He distinguishes the use value of a thing from its exchange value, which can be entirely different.
I have a rope and a lamp-post which, when used in combination, exceed their independent use value.
Scientists are often successful at finding facts, but in medicine the use value of such facts is especially important.
Traditionally, one convention is to use Value at Risk.