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The way he carried his arm showed that it was tender but utile.
Utile specks of blood were staining her white cotton top.
His intuition told him that his questions were significant, but he could not articulate or justify them in any utile way.
His utile jibe did, however, remind me of earlier questions about the school newspaper's most infamous columnist.
Such means have been developed, under the general heading of 'utility theory', with a specific unit of measurement, the utile.
She was elected into a number of literal societies and academys, notably the Utile dulci academy in 1779.
How about utile?
Then I drove to a Utile village at the end of the lake and bought paint not only for the boat, but the cottage as well.
Only one of these, the vassal, has what in normal language would be regarded as ownership of the property ("dominium utile").
Women, in truth, are not only intelligent; they have almost a monopoly of certain of the subtler and more utile forms of intelligence.
They're exceptionally utile creatures."
"You who will go then, return to your floats, load tools and cordage, all your utile goods into your coracles.
It is a cross of garden origin between V. carlesii and V. utile, grown for its early, strongly scented flowers.
It uses the homiletic principles of education with entertainment (Horace's utile et dulce) and is primarily rooted in Biblical stories.
This same multis utile bellum, is an assured and infallible sign, of a state disposed to seditions and troubles.
Que j'aime à faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages !
More enterprising landlords preferred to acquire the use right (dominium utile) themselves and then lease it for a sum that represented a true return on its value.
La Guiede est utile à ses Parents, ses camarades et son pays.
"Enchiridion Bibliorum concionatori in popularibus declamationibus utile" (Cologne, 1568)
He eventually developed this ethos into his personal motto, "Être fort pour être utile" ("Being strong to be useful").
For example, a holder in life tenure has dominium directum but not dominium utile because he may control the property but not exhaust its resources.
Viburnum x burkwoodii (V. carlesii x V. utile)
Diplocaulobium utile (or in Indonesian local name anggrek serat; fiber orchid) is the official flower of Sulawesi Tenggara.
The motto on the masthead - "Nihil utile quod non honestum" translates to "Nothing is useful that is not honest."
Operetta utile specialemente ai Direttori delle anime (1753) (English edition Directorium Asceticum)