Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This would bring into question whether the method defines which proteins are more biologically utilizable.
Physicists then, as now, often look at a property with the word "available" or "utilizable" in its name with a certain unease.
Of other and incomprehensible senses - not, however, well utilizable by alien captive minds inhabiting their bodies - they possessed many.
The percentage utilization relative to a readily utilizable protein source, often egg (usually shown as unitless).
Due to experimental limitations BV is often measured relative to an easily utilizable protein.
Normally egg protein is assumed to be the most readily utilizable protein and given a BV of 100.
The maximum utilizable cache size on the SSD is 64 GB.
He was not at all afraid of dying but he was angry at being trapped on this hill which was only utilizable as a place to die.
BPCR ought to be utilizable to assay the proportion of input templates with 3' ends in the region of sequence similarity.
The river has a total annual yield of 2,349 million cubic metre and an annual utilizable yield of 1110 million cubic metre.
In his heart of hearts he rather despised this species of composition, entertaining the notion that it was something to be done quickly, if at all, and utilizable to please the groundlings.
(S)-Methylmalonyl-CoA is not directly utilizable by animals; it is acted on by a racemase to give (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA.
Internal reconstruction is more resistant to interference but usually has a limited available base of utilizable words and is able to reconstruct only certain changes (those that have left traces as morphophonological variations).
The dam has created a storage capacity (Gross Storage) of 2,898,000,000 cubic metres out of which the utilizable storage (Live Storage) is 1,566,520,000 cubic metres.
Its utilizable protein content as percentage of calorie ingestion is higher than sago and cassava, but is much lower than other staples such as yam, maize, rice, potato and wheat.
Service consumer benefits - describe the (set of) benefits which are triggerable, consumable and effectively utilizable for any authorized service consumer and which are rendered to him as soon as he triggers one service.
In addition, the advances in statistical mechanics for the study of complex systems, particularly in non-linear dynamics, have not been fully utilizable for the analysis of sequences due to the missing formal link between discrete sequences and trajectories in continuous spaces.
HPFS386 is a ring 0 driver (allowing it direct hardware access and direct interaction with the kernel) with built-in SMB networking properties that are utilizable by various server daemons, whereas HPFS is a ring 3 driver.