Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The city's office vacancy rate is now about 7 percent.
And now, the vacancy rate is about 3 to 4 percent.
The vacancy rate in Chicago was 16 percent at the end of 1990.
In certain areas, the overall vacancy rate was much higher.
The office vacancy rate, after a number of bad years, finally dropped.
"Within three months we expect the vacancy rate will be down to 19 percent."
The vacancy rate at the building is about 10 percent, the management says.
It has always found the vacancy rate to be under 5 percent.
The company said it had only a 6.9 percent office vacancy rate.
Vacancy rates now are less than 7 percent, according to the company.
We've cut the vacancy rate in half to 4.5 percent.
As a result, by 1995 the vacancy rate had dropped off to about 4 percent.
Just five years ago, the vacancy rate was about 25 percent, according to industry sources.
They have also raised the city's office vacancy rate to 22 percent, a record.
By the end of December the vacancy rate was 21.8 percent.
At 17 percent, the area's vacancy rate is much higher than a decade ago.
While some lots were full, others had a 35 percent vacancy rate.
The project itself started to show a substantial vacancy rate.
He estimates the vacancy rate at less than 5 percent.
"This city has never had a 10 percent vacancy rate," he said.
The true vacancy rate may be lower than the numbers suggest.
At the end of 1995, by contrast, the vacancy rate was 23.2 percent.
At 3 percent, the city's vacancy rate is well below other large cities.
And the vacancy rate is substantially down from the 23.6 percent of 1990.
The rental vacancy rate in the area, he said, is about 2 percent.