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A few things rise above the general vapidness.
The vapidness of their slogans has been exposed (often through their very own words).
But now I saw that there was with Gwen an absent-mindedness, almost a vapidness.
Paul Schoeffler's vapidness as the wealthy count who also loves her is partly attributable to the role itself.
The colors and images appear to be subtly matched, both in hue and in emotional vapidness.
This song was originally in a Dana Carvey stand-up comedy routine about the vapidness of popular music.
"Yes, Wallpaper was all fabulous and glamorous, but you could read it on several levels: the surface one, and then the one in which Tyler sent up the whole vapidness of consumer culture.
Can you say aloud without hearing the vapidness of it that Jesus was a great teacher except for that business about claiming to be the Son of God, the only way to the Father?
Ordinarily I'd have murmured derisively about the vapidness of the genre and how I only partake of quality programming like "The Sopranos" (talk about soap operas . . .).
Once you venture beyond the vapidness of their Hollywood-speak, it's apparent that Micki is hardly the free-floating creature Strindberg takes her for and that cool-hand De Marko is really sweating nails.
His letters have some of the vapidness of Louise Colet's prose as he asks that she bear the burden of his spleen, his manias, his whims, his prostrations and his wild reverses.
"We should be nice to animals," Harris says, and then, maybe to dispel that statement's vapidness, she adds, "If we're good to them, they make us feel good about ourselves" - an odd, perhaps accidental admission that for her as for many others, virtue's rewards include self-reassurance.