Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And that's very important for the series, which is so variegated.
He has led a variegated life, perhaps necessary for a spiritual understanding.
"We think he is the right person to provide leadership to bring the variegated parts of downtown together."
The result is a variegated and distinguished set of alumni.
The fire computer had long since been programmed for the most variegated target areas.
Meanwhile, he seems to take his variegated activities quite in stride.
It's possible to use variegated plants in annual gardens, too.
The males tend to be more variegated than the females.
"But what could a large satellite have to do with variegated species, intelligence, and all that?"
Several gardening books which deal exclusively with variegated plants are available.
Variegated forms have been cultivated as house plants in Europe.
The earth appeared, as before, like an extensive plain, with the same variegated face.
Then there are two rather obvious plants with variegated foliage, each special in its own ways.
They phased across a variegated landscape that was not the world she had known.
A current ad, for example, shows nothing but a variegated array of condoms.
The variegated influences of other worlds had played a decisive role.
Good variegated regular and reserve lists need not be extensive.
That was the female, her growl more sustained and variegated.
Like all variegated plants, it is less vigorous than the plain forms.
The plant is often used as an ornamental tree, sometimes in variegated forms.
Valentine didn't know what to make of the variegated uniform.
Many varieties are cultivated for their beautiful, often variegated flowers.
A few years ago there was a tremendous vogue for variegated foliage.
It is available in a variegated form that is quite tempting.
The plant is sometimes cultivated, often in a variegated form, for its exotic appearance.