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It is the most venomous known fish in the world.
He looked at the other two and his soft face was venomous.
Back away and let them go their own way, they are highly venomous.
It is named after the venomous fish of the same name.
Most of the venomous tend to be in this area.
Still, no one here seems particularly venomous, either: That was a long time ago, they say.
Venomous mammals may have been more common in the past.
I've never known a man who could pay a more venomous compliment.
Venomous little creatures, what are we going to do about them?
His face was venomous as he swung about in the light.
He was sent off to a boarding school at age 4 by a venomous mother.
How much easier it must be in the venomous academic world.
He did not answer Sam, but gave him a swift venomous look.
He looked about with venomous eyes, then lay down beside his daughter.
Again he met his wife's eye and read the venomous expression clearly.
I know this sort of thing makes you feel better, but it really just leads to venomous back talk.
Both members are very venomous, as with all sea snakes.
She did, however, retain her speech which was more venomous than ever.
"It was a shot in the arm, even for a venomous guy like myself," he said.
At the institute where he worked, they hope to name a new venomous snake after him.
In 1952, they became the first venomous animal to be given legal protection.
These snakes were venomous and could kill if you looked them in the eyes.
And most of all, there was this quiet, venomous attack.
Gentle let go of the man's arm as though it were venomous.
Her small dark eyes had an air of venomous displeasure in them.