Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Being run by private organizations, they are not subject to public oversight or verifiability.
Many difficult problems arise as regards the verifiability of beliefs.
"And you are satisfied on the issue of verifiability?"
The verifiability criterion was seen as being too strong.
Three aspects of verifiability are considered: individual, universal, and eligibility.
Verifiability made a hard run for the money.
To complain that it lacks scientific verifiability is to miss the point.
"Verifiability," he replied after another moment, "is a very technical and difficult question.
But this greater specificity carries with it a price in terms of relevance and verifiability.
Behind that vote lay serious concerns about the verifiability of various treaty provisions.
It is from the latter that the former derives its validity, verifiability, and truth value.
Emerging properties such as privacy, traceability and verifiability can also be considered.
However, several outlets were criticised as they did not check for the reliability and verifiability of the information.
In fact, "verifiability" is not a yes or no proposition; it is a matter of degree and cost.
But the one failed criterion is supremely important: Verifiability.
The essential feature of science was not its verifiability, but its falsifiability.
The few remaining worries about verifiability and checking stockpile reliability can be put to rest.
Claims about verifiability and falsifiability have been used to criticize various controversial views.
Reliability and verifiability of the information is variable.
Universal verifiability, by which anyone may determine that all of the ballots in the box have been correctly counted.
It explains how the principle of verifiability may be applied to the problems of philosophy.
The restriction on acceptable forms of media is governed, in part, by questions of verifiability.
At times, she has disagreed with the notion of "verifiability, not truth" as the basis for building consensus via collaboration.
Verifiability, or the ability for the reader to confirm that content corresponds to the cited source, is the standard.
The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be proven to correspond to experience.