Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The verso side has one mark on the top and bottom right corners.
On the verso was a letter from Hattie to her mother.
The verso side is a list of payments in two columns.
Three men set off down the road toward Verso.
The verso side of the document contains a student's exercise.
Authority for 1914 and 1919 editions on verso of 1926 edition.
We'll take her there and send a few men ahead to Verso for the doctor."
The book was first published in 2005 by Verso Books.
Verso Recto is strategy game for one to four players.
Of necessity, Verso has taken a different approach to blurbs.
The verso text and the introductory material was in Swedish.
On folio 197 verso there is a note made by a modern hand.
The recto side has survived in much better condition than the verso.
Lo Verso has more than a dozen students writing theses on it.
A plain wooden desk and cabinet are built into the screen's verso.
The exercise on the verso is written in a large and sprawling uncial hand.
The verso side consists of eight magic spells and five prescriptions.
The verso of the document contains part of an account.
"I was a real character," one of them told Lo Verso.
Verso emphasizes employee safety with its environmental health and safety policy.
Unable to afford new stationery, he wrote on the verso side of old manuscripts.
Currently the mill is owned and operated by Verso Paper.
Verso is committed to help increase the overall amount of certified fiber in the global marketplace.
The verso side contains an accounting of money.
Excellent condition, with one hole at the top (verso).