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My dear man, vieux jeu!
Yes; but that's vieux jeu nowadays.
The false beard, it is vieux jeu, and shadowing is only done by the lowest branch of my profession.
She--to whom the heart was such vieux jeu; who had learned, as she thought, to control or outspeed emotions!
I remembered him reading aloud some poems of his own - well-phrased, melodious, a little decadent and vieux jeu, with echoes of Baudelaire.
People may say," Camilla went on, waving a knitted paw, "that class is vieux jeu, but they're only people who haven't visited South Mardian.
Nietzsche wrote somewhere that when you show people something true they sometimes behave as if it were old hat - vieux jeu - and accuse you of peddling platitudes."
Or saying, of a once-fashionable word, "Your vogue is past, your freshness faded; you are antiquated, vieux jeu, passe, demode; your nose is out of joint."
Trouvez-nous vieux jeu si vous voulez, mais ce que nous préférons à Weston ce sont les ânes.
I admire Mr. Alma-Tdema and Mr. Frederic Leighton and I suppose to you they seem hopelessly vieux jeu.
As French commentators put it, their Socialist party has never embraced “Schröderisation” (Blairism is old hat, or vieux jeu, if indeed it ever played a part at all in France).
Elle n'a pas cette étiquette un peu ennuyeuse et vieux jeu qu'elle a parfois aux Etats-Unis et en Europe," remarque-t-il.
In my letter I said that we are not vieux jeu Satanists, worshipers of the Grand Tenancierdu Mal, and that we do not have to ape the Church of Rome, with all those pyxes and those-comment dit-on?
A relentless if wholly uninventive complainer, Mr. Bryson doesn't seem to know that it's simply too easy, too vieux jeu, to curl one's lip reflexively at the Mark Twain Drive-In Restaurant and Dinette in Hannibal, Mo., or to denounce "overweight tourists in boisterous clothes."