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Just like you can't set out to make a viral video.
How might a viral video be used as part of a media campaign?
So what was your favorite viral video of the past year?
In less than a week, it's become the most viral video ever.
Is this the first time you’ve created a viral video for the Internet?
It was based on a viral video showing the same thing.
Meanwhile, Peter and his friends try to make a hit viral video.
Another common piece of advice: don’t set out to make a viral video.
Since making their viral video, all of the members have graduated high school.
What do the viral videos popular right now say about us and our culture?
The top viral video of the year has been viewed more than 180 million times.
So I guess viral videos have been part of the show from the first night.
Better than a viral video marriage proposal really should be.
He hopes to get a different message across with his viral video.
Everybody is about one viral video away from becoming world famous around here.
No police officer wants to be removed from the force because of a viral video.
It was right at the advent of the viral video.
The interview became a viral video and attracted significant attention.
Not every viral video has supported the opposition's cause, of course.
The campaign was noted for their use of social media and viral videos.
In the Internet age, a viral video can advance a career, even without radio play.
But now they've got viral video proof to back up that claim.
A viral video is something which every client asks for, and very few get.
You may know him from a certain viral video involving deer.
The clip became an instant viral video during the early 2000s.