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Apparently he did not know that vitrified ruins are a common phenomenon all over the world.
The surface was vitrified like that of the ramp.
The fort's walls were vitrified at some point suggesting that the site had once been destroyed by fire.
But in 1999, the department published a rule to let it redefine some wastes so they would not have to be vitrified.
Some of the softer crystals had vitrified into glass.
The floor base was vitrified with a thick layer of melted glass covering it.
Fifty thousand years before, this had been vitrified wasteland.
For this one, the designers had some sandstone rubble shipped in and they vitrified it.
Here and there vitrified pieces glinted dully in the light of the setting sun.
When fired the pieces vitrified into an extremely hard, dense, non-porous material.
These act as a flux and cause the quartz to vitrify at a manageable temperature.
The mud plaster of the floors and walls are vitrified owing to intense heat during work.
These are fired at over 1,100 C, causing the clay to vitrify and form a nonporous surface.
Often the alkaline wastes are vitrified to form high level waste, which will include the Cs.
Large masses of walls, which have fallen beneath the weight of time, appear to be vitrified or run together.
"When they pulled out, they probably filled the shaft and vitrified the rock at the outer ends," his father added.
It had been vitrified solid; the scanners reported that it was plugged for ten feet.
Mouse embryos vitrified and stored in liquid nitrogen have grown into healthy mice.
Porcelain is fired at a higher temperature than earthenware so that the body can vitrify and become non-porous.
Soluble salt vitrified tiles are screen printed and polished.
Full body vitrified tiles have pigment in entire body (thickness) of the tile.
As a manufactured product, vitrified tiles do not have the natural textures and patterns of marble or granite.
Everywhere the slope was rent into huge, obliquely angled masses, often partly vitrified.
Not a single predeath preservation, and it was doubtful any of their brains had even been vitrified.
The wooden boards over their heads had vitrified into a rock-like glass, but the outlines of a trapdoor could still be seen in the center.