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I think they found him down in the vlei that very day.
These three animals were moving in single file across the vlei.
As we headed back the vlei was beginning to get crowded.
During the 1984 drought the vlei again started burning in places.
Renamo had pulled out just before they reached the vlei.
A mile ahead the river ran into a wide vlei that still held water from the last rains.
A number of islands on the vlei act as vital breeding sites.
It was accordingly decided to build a small dam at the outlet of the vlei.
The school was built on vlei, meaning that during the rains many of the fields flooded.
He pointed back down at the open vlei at the bottom of the slope.
From here it is an approximate 5 km walk to the vlei where you are free to explore.
Parks, the herd is two miles from you, just approaching Long Vlei.
He drove the jeep out into the open vlei, and before they were half-way across there was no longer any doubt.
Ahead, the forest gave way abruptly to the open glade of Long Vlei.
You will shoot from that clump of dark trees at the edge of the vlei.
About half an hour after setting off they crossed a vlei to discover a recently vacated guerrilla camp.
At that instant, Morninglight suddenly swept himself into human form, effacing the vlei.
Out of the vlei rushed the buffalo by dozens, every one of them making remarks in its own language as it came.
The name of the School, Chisipite, is derived from a spring rising in a nearby vlei.
Along the rivers Vlei bristle grass and red nut sedge dominate.
Within six minutes of Johnny's first shot, a silence fell over the killing ground on Long Vlei.
The river is dry most of the year, and even when it is not, it carries relatively little water to the vlei.
He used to talk of the wide, marshy vlei that formed a great part of Fairland.
Wetlands of national importance abound in the district, with Blood River Vlei being the most important.
Less than a mile from Chiwewe headquarters a borehole had been sunk at the head of a small vlei.