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The voting age is 16 in this nation of 3.5 million.
Yet, only one in about every 1,000 Americans of voting age gave at that level.
By the time we reach the voting age we're pretty well set, all of us.
In 2008, the voting age was reduced to 16 years.
The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 years.
In 1970 the voting age had been lowered from 21 to 18.
In 1934, the voting age was also lowered to 21.
They were the first after the voting age was lowered to 18.
Is this a case for raising the voting age to 21?
In 1968, nearly 61 percent of the voting age population went to the polls.
The Government also does not want the voting age lowered from 18 to 16.
The voting age population represents the number of people in the country who are at least 18 years old.
Hispanics make up about 10 percent of the voting age population.
In the last Presidential election, only 53 percent of the voting age population turned out.
There have been many proposals to lower the voting age even further.
Education for and about democracy would be better served if there was no voting age.
The vote was also extended to service personal under the legal voting age.
A reduction of the voting age to 16 was also proposed.
High school students in California are pushing for legislation to lower the voting age.
The voting age was lowered from 25 to 23, but this only covered men.
Voters were asked whether the voting age should be lowered from 21 to 18.
The voting age, which he apparently was referring to, is 18.
For all that, turnout seemed about the same as in 1994: 38 percent of the state's voting age population.
The voting age was lowered from 24 to 21, although women were still not allowed to vote.
However, a few countries maintained voting ages of 20 years or higher.