There were several minor defects to be made good upon the ship during the night.
Some minor defects cause only "exercise intolerance", with no serious illness or disability.
Even minor visual defects should be corrected with lenses prescribed especially for the computer.
Street vendors sell embroidered items but they are likely to be seconds with minor defects.
As over some minor defect, easily forgiven, certainly not enough to strain their group loyalty.
Would she be one of those with only a minor defect like my own four-toed feet?
In each case, the seemingly minor defects that caused a cascade of problems were different.
This new instrument eradicated many of the minor defects which appeared in the previous models.
We were able to buy these jeans at half the regular price because they have some very minor defects.
But these are minor defects, the price to be paid for a confident and unconventional work of historical interpretation.