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I am that kind of leader and the other man is a waffler.
But he also runs the risk of appearing to be a waffler.
He is confident and in no way a waffler.
Does that make him a waffler or a hero?
Because I think I would be known as a waffler.
He kept at it for 90 minutes, repeatedly depicting the Arkansas Governor as a waffler.
Yet 'piercing insight' is the least an art waffler would expect of a painting these days.
He taunted him as a 'waffler' during the Gulf War.
President Clinton is a waffler, but he has not invaded one Central American nation or taken us into war anywhere.
That, in turn, caused the more conservative pundits and business people in the city to label the Mayor a waffler.
I interpreted it as professional waffler.
Still the greasy waffler as always.
The very unpopularity of the move undercut the image of him as a waffler, created in his first two years as President.
An accomplished waffler, the President had already stolen everything that was politically useful from the Republicans, and denounced the rest as extreme.
Let's not ignore the cliches that mean the opposite of what the waffler thinks they mean:
Waffler, maybe.
He accused me of being a tax-and-spend liberal, a Jimmy Carter clone, and a waffler who couldn't make up his mind.
Bully Brown the Waffler.
Mr. Buchanan asked, who condemned Mr. Clinton as a waffler.
And it'd be one in the monocle for that old waffler, somebeast disobeyin' his orders.
"It's who shares the values of the city against who's, at best, a waffler," said the Mayor's media consultant, Robert Shrum.
Another is that the best way to avoid being cast as a waffler is to hew to some fixed principle - like the assault weapon ban.
On most issues, partisanship and the fear of being labelled a waffler effectively discourage politicians from publicly wrestling with conscience and contradiction.
As the spot concludes with a very young teen-ager about to light up, the narrator capitalizes on the public perception that Clinton is a weak waffler.
First of all, Gore was the exaggerator, Kerry is the flip-flopper, and Clinton was the waffler - get your facts, straight, man!