As of 2011, his net worth is around $ 1 billion.
For the show, a group of 100 families work to increase their total net worth by $1 million in 10 weeks.
In 1840 his net worth had been just over $6000.
But what you can get right now is your net worth.
Today he has a net worth of about $2.1 million.
How many Americans have a net worth over $1 million?
His net worth in 2011 was said to be £1.45 billion.
His net worth was reported at $6.4 million as of May 1, 1996.
His net worth is over $7 billion as of 2012.
He has a net worth of more than $4 billion.
Include the net value of your claim in box 7.
Be sure to include the net value of your claim in box 7.
The net asset value at the end of last week was $8.66.
Its net asset value per share last week was $9.74.
In most cases, investment companies trade for less than the net value of their assets.
She put the net value of her investments at $730,016 to $1,126,002.
Again, this is to drive down the net asset value of the business.
For example, a fund with a net asset value of $10 may trade at only $8 a share.
Say a stock fund's net asset value is $20 a share.
The fund's net asset value reached a record high in the period.