"warunki" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "warunki" in Polish


  1. conditions ****
    • warunki (np. pracy, życia) [PLURAL]
      Our working conditions are good.
      His living conditions were terrible.
    • warunki (pogodowe) [PLURAL]
      The weather conditions aren't good today.
      The plane couldn't take off due to the bad weather conditions.
  2. terms ***
    • warunki (np. umowy) [PLURAL]
      She accepted the terms of her contract.
      You can stay here only on my terms.
  3. seedbed
  1. term , *****   [COUNTABLE]
    I'd like to talk to these people in their own terms.
    They agreed to our terms.
  2. condition *****
    • warunek (aby coś było możliwe) [COUNTABLE]
      You can go out on the condition that you'll come back before midnight.
      You always impose conditions on me.
      If either condition is not met, the process cannot go ahead.
    • warunek, klauzula, zastrzeżenie (w umowie) [COUNTABLE]
      Have you read the condition?
      Some of the conditions were unclear.
  3. provision ***
    • warunek, klauzula, przepis
      The provision was written in small print.
      That provision guarantees safety.
      Do you agree with all of these provisions? Then sign here, please.
  4. consideration formal ***
  5. reserve ***
  6. requisite

Frases relacionadas — "warunki"

warunkować = condition +2 significados
narzucać (np. warunki) = dictate
spełniać (np. wymagania, warunki) = meet
ulepszyć (np. warunki) = ameliorate
kwalifikować się do czegoś (spełniać określone warunki, by coś osiągnąć) = qualify for something
warunkowy = qualified +1 significado
uciążliwy (np. warunki, zasady) = onerous
przeraźliwy (np. warunki zamieszkania, zimno) = brutal
uwarunkowany = conditioned +1 significado
odporny (np. na warunki środowiskowe) = refractory
warunkowo = conditionally +1 significado
zapowiadać (tworzyć warunki do wydarzenia się czegoś) = set the scene
zgadzać się (na czyjeś warunki) = knuckle under