Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He took his hands away from the side of the reservoir.
The floor of the reservoir is at around 196 feet.
The reservoir is also seen end on to the south.
This morning I made my way out to the reservoir once again.
And how would they get the stuff into the reservoir?
This reservoir is one of the most important in the country.
In 1974, its former site became the bed of a new reservoir.
The town moved to a site west of the reservoir.
There is also a large reservoir for water and a well.
If possible this water will come from the reservoir itself.
On the drive back, the women went a different way to see the reservoir.
"Right now there is not as big a reservoir of people to take their place."
"He still has a great reservoir of support among Republicans."
And we have only air enough for two days in the reservoirs!
Oil and natural gas are often found together in the same reservoir.
The lower course of the river is a water reservoir.
In 1984, the reservoir was able reach 90 percent full.
It is also known as the environment, and the reservoir.
Since 1992 the lake is used as a water reservoir.
This means that the reservoir is usually far from full.
In the past, the lake was used as a reservoir.
Food, as it turned out, was a reservoir of knowledge about a people.
However, the reservoirs here are full, and water is not likely to be a problem any time soon.
Department officials are not the only ones concerned about reservoir security.
Our reservoirs will not hold more than half of it.
The first thing to do is to look for a body of water.
But their attention was not held by the body of water.
Almost as if it were a running body of water.
Such a large body of water, and we were so alone there.
It can also mean a body of water that people have made.
That is very clear for any natural body of water.
While you're at it, tell me where this body of water came from?
This is usually next to a river or large body of water for people to walk.
They can also be located far from any large body of water.
It was the only body of water he'd ever been familiar with.
The island group later took its English name from this body of water.
They gave the river that name for the said body of water came from two sources.
Never had the body of water touched him there before.
How could I do that in such an exotic body of water?
A body of water had been here at some time, anyhow.
As a body of water, a kill is a creek.
There is dispute over the international name for this body of water.
That previous life, in art school, Peter asked her to name a body of water.
Sound can also mean a body of water, like a bay or channel.
I have not had direct experience with any large body of water, but can imagine it.
Farther off, to the right and ahead, was a huge body of water.
You're about to share a small body of water with people you don't know.
"Do you have very many bodies of water along the Edge?"
By 1914 the lagoon system was nearly a dead body of water.
He could run fast enough to pass over large bodies of water.
This Water region was really pretty nice, when between tsunamis.
"If you will observe, they are all in the water regions of the planet, close to the land masses but not on them."
They are found in the major tourist resorts in the warm water regions.
Its habitat is surf flats, and it likes to stay away from clear water regions, such as the Bahamas.
The fishes preferentially inhabit the middle and mid-lower water regions.
"Rains almost constantly It's one of the most heavily watered regions on the continent.
The shallower water regions were home to reefs.
Some areas within the Southern Water region are supplied by a number of smaller water supply companies.
There are three major water regions.
Littoral - the shallow water region around lake or sea shores where significant light penetrates to the bottom.
The latent heat polynya is the open water region between the coast and the ice pack.
In the Anglia Water region, underground levels had dropped 15 inches over the past four dry winters.
The first attempt at exploration of the western, shallow water region of the basin began in 1969 with Shell Canada.
For the Philippine Navy, they are proposing making a causeway that leads all the way to a deep water region where naval vessels can dock.
He is the first known European to visit the Boundary Waters region west of Lake Superior.
The fighters would group on entry sleds and descend to the liquid water regions where Senexi commonly kept their upwelling power plants.
One of the plans, proposed by the Philippine Navy since 1999, is to create a long causeway that leads all the way to a deep water region.
Some have suggested that Global warming has increased sea levels, making water regions at the low sandy zones of the Gulf of Mexico disappear.
The two water regions of Britain with the greatest nitrate problems are Anglian and Severn Trent.
They are divided into largest of land regions, known as continents, and the largest of water regions known as oceans.
Unlike the larger more common Corydoras, they often swim in a shoal around mid water regions as well as the lower regions of the tank.
The crescent moon is the water region, whose deity is Varuna, white in colour, four-armed, holding a noose and seated on a crocodile.
However, Campeche's main economic change come with the discovery of oil off its shores in a shallow water region called the Sonda de Campeche.
Das Huttaler Wasserregal Description of the water region in the Harz.
The littoral series of a flat coast starts in the permanently flooded shallow water region, or shoreface, with a sand or gravel reef (also called a bar).
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