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Because it is difficult for seedlings to become established in tide-swept muddy habitats, Avicennia alba exhibits cryptovivipary.
Kostecki started his sailing career in the windy and tide-swept waters of San Francisco Bay, California.
The car plunged into tide-swept Poucha Pond (at that location a channel) and came to rest upside-down underwater.
These form a basis for plant and animal communities typical of extreme physical conditions of liquid mud and tide-swept sand and rock.
It is most common on tide-swept rock and on coarse sediments, preferring hard substrates including sand and shingle.
This town of 7,500 people, clinging to tide-swept black rocks near the bottom of the southeastern archipelago of this state, still sees its future in its past.
STANDING beside the broad French window, Lamont Cranston looked across the tiny garden toward the darkening waters of the tide-swept East River.
Low outcrops of traprock continue south from the hill to the shore of Long Island Sound and out into the sound as tide-swept rock outcrops and tiny islands.
As I stared out across the narrow stretches of water that lay between our passing ship and the beaches and reefs I would quietly recite the names to myself, as if trying to summon a spirit that would lift me up, raise me above the sea and carry me to those tide-swept strands.
He forced old Mustard down the center of the wave-swept causeway.
It is the only wave-swept cast-iron tower of this size in Britain.
The intertidal region is an important model system for the study of ecology, especially on wave-swept rocky shores.
On windy days it heaved and surged like the wave-swept surface of a blue-green sea.
Survivors were forced to swim or climb ropes first to a wave-swept rock and then to a barren shore.
The crowds on the beach taunted them as they clustered on the wave-swept hull.
His research on the intertidal zone of wave-swept shores has led to increased understanding of this habitat.
"Shingles" here means flat beach cobbles, characteristic of some wave-swept coasts.
Communities on wave-swept shores also have high turnover due to disturbance, so it is possible to watch ecological succession over years rather than decades.
Arid plains Of wave-swept sea confront me.
Finally, some perched on the wave-swept crests of stone, others crouched on the rocky banks.
A beach ridge is a wave-swept or wave-deposited ridge running parallel to a shoreline.
Jess gestured past the wave-swept shore.
Pyura pachydermatina is found attached to rocks in shallow, wave-swept areas of the seas around New Zealand.
It's wave-swept so it has to be fairly tall, or the shining of the lamp would have been hidden by the spray falling on the windows.'
It is most abundant in California and favours vertical rock faces in wave-swept areas in the upper littoral zone.
Malloy's whole chest was a panorama depicting a pair of mermaids rising from a wave-swept ocean, who lifted beckoning hands.
They stumbled across the wave-swept deck, dodging fallen and broken tackle, hurrying to arm themselves and to man Huron's guns.
They loped, three meters at a loose-limbed step, toward a dendro-eremite, a lone small tree in the wave-swept grass, bare branches upheld like prayers.
Across the wave-swept surface it glided, taking up all the space about it as it came, drawing all the light to itself until there was nothing else.
It is found on wave-swept intertidal shores in the Indo-West Pacific, particularly on the shores of Hawaii.
In Pisaster the tube feet have suckers on their distal ends which allow them to attach to the rocky substrate and live in heavily wave-swept areas.
Completion of Cordouan lighthouse on the Gironde estuary (designed by Louis de Foix), the first wave-swept light.
The Midwest metropolis lay glittering with myriad lights, its mighty buildings undisturbed by chill winds that whistled inshore from wave-swept Lake Michigan.
This species is commonly fouled with foreign matter and small organisms such as algae and hydroids when occurring in harbors, but remains clean in wave-swept habitats.
We came down bow first onto the wave-washed beach.
He remembered that at the very edge of the wave-washed area there were to be found the only moving living things on the continent.
There is little vegetation on the Rocks, due to them being frequently wave-washed.
It looked to him no different from any of a thousand such wave-washed stones one might pick up along a seashore.
It has no vegetation and much of it is wave-washed in winter storms.
It is frequently wave-washed and supports no land-dwelling life.
Whose wave-washed body swims That nurtured thee, and found herself a grave?
Saxon called to Billy, who was improvising a table from a wave-washed plank.
Oddly, I'd once had a sort of reverie about making love to Judy on a wave-washed beach.
Dropping the oars, Ray leaped to the wave-washed sand.
Laputa, his single-double bed, was photographed standing in gently wave-washed shallows.
A few strong strokes brought him to its side--it was the bottom of a wave-washed derelict.
It is frequently wave-washed and lacks vegetation.
This sea star can be found in great numbers on mussel beds and on wave-washed rocky shores.
Horza woke in the dawn light, still lying on the wave-washed shuttle roof, like something washed up and spread upon a table.
Two holes for the crew, one for the officers, cut in the heaving, wave-washed deck above the keel.
Also Sophia had 8 lifeboats built of steel, not wood, which would presumably have fared better on wave-washed rocks.
Marine mussels are usually found clumping together on wave-washed rocks, each attached to the rock by its byssus.
'It shows half a dozen small islands, plus dozens of islets, no more than wave-washed rocks.'
The roar of a powerful motor echoed back along the wave-washed waterway, while sirens, rising in their pitch, howled a rapid approach.
This species of cowry is normally restricted to exposed habitats such as wave-washed basalt cliffs or breakwaters.
Certain species of marine mussels prefer salt marshes or quiet bays, while others thrive in pounding surf, completely covering wave-washed rocks.
A rare wave-washed sentinel where the ocean hits from all sides, its beacon and fog signal warned ships of the nearby treacherous rocks and reefs.
She climbed up on the rock and picked her way out toward the end, where a smooth wave-washed shoulder of stone created a vantage a man's height above the water.