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'I really ought to get on with some work,' she said at last, waveringly.
The girl's hand let go of Laurel's and rose waveringly to touch her cheek.
She managed to pick up the two glasses and waveringly started for the door from the balcony.
He stood up, made his way waveringly across the room, and flopped down on the bed with a deep sigh.
Waveringly I got to my feet, lurched through the charred space, came into the open.
Then he turned waveringly and came my way.
He raised his proton gun waveringly, and pressed the button.
Sturm struggled to bring the tip of his father's sword waveringly into the air.
The words came to his ear distantly, waveringly, as if the cleric spoke from the bottom of a well.
The lights came on waveringly as his shaking fingers restored the circuit breakers.
"He lifted one hand then, as if he controlled it only waveringly, and took hers.
He pointed it waveringly at the warrior, used his free hand to beckon men urgently forward from behind him.
Kirk stabbed a button on the console, his reflection cast back waveringly from the dark screen.
The lowering man came close, then suddenly drew a great pistol from his belt and pointed it waveringly at Henry's breast.
She pointed it waveringly at him.
Then, as the blood began to course again and needles, pins, and pain started, I was able to rise, albeit slowly waveringly.
You have the strength-" She smiled at him, waveringly.
Isabel smiled back waveringly through suddenly brimming eyes.
The footsteps sounded again, waveringly, approaching slowly.
Consciousness returned waveringly as dawn crawled over the cornfield and the birds were derisive.
'You're right -' Dietz's voice trailed off, then came on again waveringly.
He moved back again, waveringly.
George Ellerby had been conscious of occasional flickers of light that waveringly found the room.
Street lamps shone waveringly onto dark, rain-wet pavement.