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He appointed them all, with definitely non-specific wavings of his hand.
Her works were often based upon glidings, twistings and arm wavings.
The hands seemed to pause in their wavings.
Then he stood up in the boat and addressed me a long while, speaking fast and with many wavings of his hand.
The words told them what she was saying, but they could see that she was not making random hand wavings.
Others resembled the uncoordinated arm and leg wavings of infants in a nursery crib.
Caramon braced himself for an attack, but the hand returned to its incomprehensible wavings.
The Keeper thrust the bowls at them and shooed them out with angry arm wavings.
We watched all the greetings and partings and wavings of hands of the travellers.
Would perhaps one of your assistants acknowledge our wavings so that we would know we can stop and whether we are on the list or not.
And the many arm wavings, finger flutterings and changes of direction implied that the youth was something of a dandy.
Let us talk fondly, set together still, Not with these shouts and wavings of the arms, Struts and unseemly gestures.
"Can't do it, ma'am, any longer," said the guard, between blasts of his whistle and wavings of his green flag.
Out of context, its odd stalkings, bendings, twistings and arm wavings appeared contrived, rather than inventively audacious.
Clinging to a spar with one hand, some reached forth the other with impatient wavings; others, shading their eyes from the vivid sunlight, sat .
Variety was introduced into these often formally similar pieces by sudden hand clappings, semaphoric arm wavings and occasional gatherings in circles.
Courteous bows and flattenings and tentacle wavings conveyed complex nuances of status and protocol.
Mass vigils with wavings of South Vietnamese flags and demonstrations (sometimes peaceful and sometimes coming close to a riot), in front of the store ensued.
She, Ms. Dorvillier and Mr. Jacobs held a mimetic argument filled with stampings and arm wavings.
I had come to the same conclusion, for I could see no signs of life upon her deck, and there was no answer to the friendly wavings from our seamen.
A duet for Sharon Ohlensis and Maryanne Grotski featured skips, sways and arm wavings.
Shifting shadows and dark wavings and odd gleamings hinted that the three areas of darkness might be occupied; there was no doubt that the three bright terraces were.
And then the last group of Ganymeans stood for a while to return the silent wavings of the multitudes on the surrounding hills before filing slowly up into the ship.
Ms. Skura devised frenetic arm wavings, thudding falls to the floor, head wagglings, headstands and spasms of assorted shiverings and quiverings.
The children were kissed and crushed in podgy arms; then the wavings of hands and the heartfelt wishes that she should keep her courage up without him and he without her.