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So they set out on a long and wearisome day.
For the rest of us, reading these books is a wearisome experience.
Can anything be wearisome when I'm the center of attention all day long?
The air seemed heavy and the making of words wearisome.
But even the best of things grew wearisome after a while.
That will be good for you who need rest, though the other two find it wearisome.
"And the music I enjoy does not quickly become wearisome."
The trek back to their new home was a long and wearisome one.
But being a success and a comeback story is wearisome.
It's hard to describe just how wearisome all this is in performance.
It had been a long and wearisome struggle for all concerned.
"Was finishing school so wearisome that you had to run away?"
I do not remember a more tedious and wearisome time.
"Indeed, I find the mere thought of more rest quite wearisome."
The climb turned out to be wearisome and not without danger.
It was another wearisome night for Bonds, who continued to look older than his 41 years.
Waiting is the most wearisome of all activities - if, indeed, it can be called an activity.
To those residents not directly involved with the conflict, the subject has become wearisome.
To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating.
It was not dangerous though very wearisome, for there were nearly six hundred of those steps.
But a proper courtship, he soon learned, was a wearisome business.
"I'm afraid this past pair of weeks has been wearisome for you," he went on.
In which light also, may we not discern why most Battles have become so wearisome?
It was both wearisome and frustrating as most operations of this nature are.
It is not surprising that they found the afternoons long and wearisome.