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Another ten centimetres of black tail went down the golden weasand.
This will not do,' says I; 'you've done mischief enough already by cutting your weasand!
Sure and I'll slit your weasand for you or ever you get it out.
In the meat trade, the esophagus is known as the gullet or weasand.
Originally the weasand was tied when the animal's throat was opened up.
"Not another move, or I'll punch a hole through your treacherous weasand," a voice rasped behind him.
A weasand clip is a device used in slaughtering animals in an abattoir.
He'd sooner slit the puir spalpeen's weasand for him.
Even if this whelp should slit my weasand from ear to ear, no one shall strike back!
Slit his weasand, the Scotch pig!
Weasand may refer to:
After I slit his weasand, I drove a stake through his heart and buried him seventeen feet deephead down.
The clip is used to seal the weasand (the usual term for the animal's esophagus in slaughtering) so that the stomach contents do not leak out.
He spoke To empty space - the poet woke; And catching up a caring-knife He slit the weasand of his wife.
Another landmark result using a related technique is the work on S O'Punskey, author of The Fourth Weasand.
More than one high potentate of the Thieves' Guild will learn how it feels to have his weasand narrowed a fingerclip's breadth at a time, aye, and worse things!
By Heaven, and all saints in it, better food hath not passed my weasand for three livelong days, and by God's providence it is that I am now here to tell it.
The girl I love more dear than life, Should other gallant woo, I'd straight unsheath my dudgeon knife And cut his weasand through; Or he, the conqueror in the strife, The same to me should do.
But if Rashleigh Osbaldistone were baith the last and best of his name, and granting that he and I ever forgather again, the fiend go down my weasand with a bare blade at his belt, if we part before my dirk and his best blude are weel acquainted thegither!