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A difficult man to have for a father, especially if you're long and weedy They were different in a lot of ways, mind.
She was never very strong as a girl - weedy little thing without any go in her.
The three of them were standing on the weedy island.
A small, weedy body of water had come into sight on our right.
I never could understand what she saw in him - a bit thin and weedy, to my way of thinking.
There was a back door that led to the weedy parking lot.
King's weedy frame had left him pretty much out of sports all through school.
It stood in the center of a weedy vacant lot.
A grown man, lying face down on the weedy bank.
A long yellow face with weedy hair growing down the sides of it.
Unless he is very weedy, in which case I might try to push him over when no one's looking.
In the right conditions it can become very abundant and even weedy.
Mouse gets his nickname because he is small and weedy.
You still look a bit on the weedy side.
It can be weedy or invasive in some of these regions.
The next day, we went to a small red-roofed building in another weedy field.
They walked along the sidewalk, which was cracked and weedy.
He'd been challenged, by a weedy little rat who would not last a second in a fight.
It may be weedy or invasive in portions of its range.
According to the record, the species is not weedy.
The moonlight on its weedy sides was white as bone.
A woman and six children spread a picnic blanket out on a weedy lot.
There, in what was then a predominantly white military community, his grave site became little more than a weedy lot.
Her short weedy hair looked like something Cinnamon would be happy nesting in.
The world's largest population of weedy sea dragon found was on the southern side.