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The weirdness of the city by night held her attention.
In the weirdness of it all, the house got lost.
There was a weirdness in not being able to see her.
But that had only been the beginning of the weirdness.
It was just the beginning of the weirdness to follow.
The weirdness of the film is what makes it so interesting.
And now we find out they have even more capacity for weirdness.
They're about to clean up all the weirdness over there.
I want to laugh at the weirdness of the whole thing.
But, like so much of the weirdness in her life, quite useful.
She's really a nice person, once you get past the weirdness, and we have a lot of interests in common.
But once again, where else could you see such deliberate weirdness?
Read on to find out what weirdness may await in the future.
He had enjoyed the lack of control and the weirdness.
This was weird even on a world whose weirdness she had been getting used to.
He didn't have time to pay attention to all the weirdness around him.
"The weirdness just hit me, really," she said last fall.
"Then the weirdness of it started to get to me.
That would give her more than enough time to recover from the weirdness of the last few hours.
The world was turning weird, and these were part of the weirdness.
I lost my benchmarks for weirdness a long time ago.
The weirdness closed in, and for once she welcomed it.
If only the weirdness could make the fireman get better!
And what was the new weirdness that came over him when he walked through the parks.
Foolish to be surprised, though, with all the other weirdness here.