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Welcoming children into the kitchen is more than instructive fun.
Welcoming animals that become extinct because men persecution, it seems right.
A Welcoming Swarm Finally, we pulled into the lot outside the rustic park office.
Welcoming art and a book, and benefiting actors and restoration.
On arrival, the host tribe holds a Welcoming ceremony, with the canoe families asking permission to land.
Welcoming arms yank the priest into the parade, celebrants shout "It's him!
Welcoming smoke rose from the chimneys.
Welcoming New Life Taped music is no longer needed; nowadays someone always brings a traditional instrument like a concertina.
Coughlin has noted that "Welcoming guest chaplains is one of the very rewarding things I do.
It is one of many Welcoming Congregation organizations to emerge in American Christianity in the 1980s.
Welcoming people of all faiths, Presentation College challenges learners toward academic excellence and, in the Catholic tradition, the development of the whole person.
The Welcoming Shade was just around the block from Meraggio's Countinghouse.
Welcoming productions in any form on any subject, the Prithvi Festival's only requirement was that the company be Bombay-based.
Welcoming students at the Institut maritime du Québec (IMQ), which offer exclusively marine-related programs of studies.
Welcoming Japanese involvement in this region also sets a good precedent for insisting that Japanese companies not try to lock American businesses out of Japan's booming East Asian neighborhood.
Welcoming international diplomatic efforts, the resolution called on all parties to fulfil their obligations under the Road map working in co-operation with the Quartet in order to achieve a two-state solution.
It's not for nothing that the TMA had a Most Welcoming Theatre category in its annual Theatre awards, won last year by Theatre Royal Stratford East.
Welcoming visitors to the Body & Soul Cafe, the narrator introduces the supposed stand-in for the child listening to or reading the book: "Look, there's young Henry, the boy who cleans this joint.
Welcoming visitors here is "Hunters in the Snow (Winter)," a stunningly composed painting that shows hunters and their dogs returning home to a village where skaters are amusing themselves on a frozen lagoon against an unlikely Alpine backdrop.
Welcoming steps taken the concerned states in the Balkans and African Great Lakes region, it noted the objective of both tribunals to apprehend all remaining persons at large and called for the co-operation of countries in this regard.
The Princeton Review ranked Richardson as 1 in the United States for "Best Environment for Minority Students", 5th for "Most Diverse Faculty," and 7th for "Most Welcoming of Older Students.
A Welcoming Symphony Welcomed to the stirring strains of a symphony by Leos Janacek, the President walked at night with President Vaclav Havel across the medieval Charles Bridge, the Czech capital's age-old symbol.
In 2007 and 2010, U.S. News & World Report ranked the school in their Third Tier, while in 2008 the school was ranked sixth by The Princeton Review in the "Most Welcoming of Older Students" category.
Welcoming international students as well as providing education at international standards in almost all fields, Marmara University, with its long history, had rapidly became a modern and international university which hosts and participates in scientific meetings, cultural activities, art exhibitions and sports along with various other national and international events.