Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But she was always very well turned out and made up.
He thought so; her own children were a little too well turned out.
Ron was always well turned out, even in the field.
I am told that she always looked attractive and very well turned out even at this particular time.
I see the children on their way to school every morning and they're always very well turned out.'
The northern Italian classics are, for the most part, well turned out.
Our customers expect to be served by people who are well turned out.'
Side dishes here are predictable but well turned out.
She looked well turned out in the diffused light.
As gimmicks go, this one was well turned out.
All the Indian breads are well turned out here.
She felt very well turned out in her new light blue mercerized gingham.
The chicken we tried was well turned out.
Even the hired help is well turned out.
Disputed Investment But the well turned out to be a loser.
They were all smart and well turned out.
She was a woman of about forty, well turned out with tinted hair and a rather gushing manner.
"He was a real gent, always well turned out.
More conventional starters are well turned out, too.
Hay had never seen Mr. Lincoln so well turned out.
His smile was every bit as well turned out as his wardrobe.
Fillet of salmon with a caper-basil vinaigrette was also well turned out.
It was attractive and well turned out, but market forces were at work to see that the Reatta's run would be short.
She was middle aged, well cared for, well turned out, wearing a clean white blouse.
Our fellow guests were equally well turned out.