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But soon I was standing, in wet socks, with the crowd on the other side of the street.
Some of the wet socks were almost dry, and fit him.
I seen him travel all day with wet socks at forty five below.
He checked again that his wet socks were pulled up and stood very still.
It has restrooms and a place to dry wet socks.
His boots were a tight fit, and it was almost impossible to get them on over wet socks.
He was still limp as a wet sock and snoring.
I wrenched the shoes off my feet and peeled wet socks away.
Groaning, she bent low and peeled off her wet socks.
The colonel let herself into Dannerman's room with her own key, and caught him in the act of taking off his wet socks.
Some people have commented that this soup gives off the aroma of wet socks.
He could already feel the cold night wind off the river and the wet socks that were the curse of raftsmen everywhere.
Leland took off his wet socks and replaced them with the ones from his hands.
I sloshed down the hallway in my wet socks.
I'm going to enjoy wringing him out like a wet sock.'
He just sat on the warm hearthstones, with a wet sock dangling from his fingers, too tired to move.
I tugged my boots on over my wet socks.
Colonel Ranaud ducked back into his tent and removed the wet socks.
His feet were freezing, wet socks cold against die chill wet pavement.
Swilled quickly in a tin bath, it hung over the nurse's hand like a wet sock.
His feet were covered in sores, a result of walking in wet socks and shoes for five days.
Adolfo draped his wet socks over the line.
He took his wet socks off, put them in the Container City bag, and put the dry ones on.
You'll have soaking wet socks in school.
Jim listened for the shots, but the only sound was the squooshing of his wet socks in his boots.