Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Questions whirr around the room; answers come from the wrong places.
The clock began to whirr above him before striking ten.
Scarcely a minute later the machine started to whirr again.
She pressed the starter and the engine began to whirr.
Click, whirr, and Edward's voice came out of the machine.
Close at hand, an electric motor began to whirr, and Floyd felt himself moving.
It began to whirr as he panned with the movement of the struggling children.
These were the kind with motors which whirr round.
Lily's machine continued to whirr, her experienced hands doing their task automatically.
It began to whirr as he rotated his wrist.
She was glad when the short half hour was over and the wheels began to whirr again.
The machine began to clank and whirr once again.
"If you'll just wait a moment," said the teller after consulting her inevitable screen, and started to whirr away.
Deep breath, hold it, whirr, click, move up an inch, breathe again.
There was a toy gyroscope, wound with string, ready to whirr and balance itself.
Above them the vacuum cleaner continued to whirr.
The video recorder continued to whirr as i smiled at myself in my pink hand mirror.
This is machine-made art without apologies; projectors hum or whirr in every room.
The clock on the Swiss Centre began to whirr and clang.
Overhead, the machinery began to whirr again.
He felt them start, whirr, then die.
Inside, a mechanism began to whirr.
And if a driver crosses to England, he could press a button and the driving controls would whirr over to the right front seat.
Motorised gadgets whirr around the counter and the tea spoons are attached by chains.
Things immediately began to whirr.
My head was still whirring from the events of the night before.
George turned it on, and the thing whirred to life.
He could still hear whirring sounds above and behind him.
Wall could almost hear the man's mind whirring with the possibilities.
I could hear the cameras from 48 Hours whirring behind me.
Something whirred past her head and struck one of the men between the eyes.
My mind whirred as I wondered what it might be.
Trains whir past every few minutes, but she does not hear them.
As cold air whirred, I almost wondered if he knew what we were saying.
Something in my head whirred and clicked an idea into place.
The window whirred down at the press of a button.
Something leapt from the body and whirred into his face.
A few cars whirred by, but none of them stopped.
Behind his eyes, as they found me, those same shutters whirring.
"They keep the fans whirring all the time," he said.
It whirred patiently at her feet until she moved out of the way.
As he ran forward to put his hand on it the other birds whirred off.
I turned to run; the pistol whirred as he shot me in the back.
My identity whirred out of the slot on the other side.
As the computer continued to whir, Smith allowed himself a small smile.
A million thoughts were whirring through my mind, all of them frightening.
The Governor did so, and the machine whirred with quite a different note.
A sudden sound caught his attention as the computer whirred and a drive light came on.
I watched the floor numbers whir by on top of the control panel.
In the corner of the room, a printer started to whir.
Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There was the whirr of a motor on the other side.
Away they went with a whirr and a roar, seven strong.
With that, the computer board settled into a happy whirr.
Still there was no sound but the quiet whirr of tape.
There was a soft whirr and then the steel door moved open.
In less than a third of the time the trip up to the surface had taken before, the whirr stopped.
I had just about closed my eyes when there was a whirr in the closet.
There was a whirr of a sound; then it went into reverse.
A creak and a dark whirr in the air high up.
There was the faint whirr of a car starting up outside in the open.
The coin fell over with a light whirr and lay still.
He could almost hear the whirr of the concealed camera in the big white post.
It was open and he could hear the quiet whirr of an air conditioner.
When he turned, they could hear the whirr as the end of the reed sliced the air.
I heard the whirr of a video camera motor up by the roof.
The tone came like the low whirr of old clockwork.
The night was warm and very still; he could hear the faint whirr of its wings.
The whirr is intended to make people think America is moving.
A grinding whirr sounded under his hood, but nothing else happened.
The sound was the whirr of a small fan.
The clicking fell away, leaving only a whirr and hum.
"Just like before," said Gary over the whirr of the lift motors.
Faint and far away a soft whirr started up.
"I have ice cream," she said over the whirr of the kitchen fan.
The soft whirr of traffic came into the cathedral-like room.
Then the sound was lost in the whir of a car coming up the road.
Just then, I saw a whir of motion to my left.
A strange whir came from the other end of the room.
For a moment, she seemed to feel the concrete whir under her feet.
With a whir and a click the job is done.
She could hear everything, even the whir of a microwave across the house.
With a whir the two front windows went down a few inches.
He turned off the music and the only sound was the whir of the fan on the computer.
Hearing the whir of the camera as it began to do its job.
The heavy doors to the security office opened with a whir.
The whir of access links was followed by the answer.
But the pleasant whir of fans did just as well, I thought.
A minute afterwards there was another whir, and I got into bed.
From above came the mechanical whir of the car's descent.
Then another flash, and the whir of a motor drive.
What else, Stan knew instantly when he heard the whir.
And perhaps to just the safe whir of wheels going away into a strange night.
There was a whir of machinery, and the Advance moved forward.
There was a whir and a pause as a machine on the far end of the line came to life.
Before the captain even knew the doctor was there, he heard the whir of his medical scan.
There was a click and a whir of computer noises.
Lindsay gestured about the room with a whir of his right arm.
But for the whir of the air-conditioning, the car was quiet.
The room grew quiet except for the whir of the microwave.
The only sound in the room was the whir of the air-conditioning fans.
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