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He walked through the door, which swished open for him.
He swished from view and closed the door behind him.
He tried his first shot, a 3-pointer from the top of the key, and it swished.
Then swish your mouth with the warm water, and go back down again.
She began to swish her feet, heading for the window.
He swished the first one and the crowd of 19,528 at the went wild.
He gestured to the security men, the door swished open, and they left.
My favorite chair, what was left of it, came swishing through the air.
The club swished and a man slumped to the ground.
I can swish my tongue around it while it's in there.
The doors swished shut as he came into the room.
I heard the rush of feet swishing through the grass.
Suddenly he's swishing around at a party being thrown for him by the guys.
He just sat on the bottom and swished his tail.
Through from the reception room swished a shape in black.
He swished his crop through the air and went further into the apartment.
I swished a little more of his Scotch around in my mouth.
She took a drink of water, swished it between her teeth.
I laid down on my stomach as George swished back into the room.
He's very angry with himself, swishing his bat a couple of times on the way off.
It swished back into closed position behind him, and Pike was alone.
The coach swished to a halt on the mountain road.
Grass swished as dark figures passed by, only feet away.
He paused as the doors to the hospital swished open.
With that, she swished her way back down the long room toward Bender.