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Bought herself a tall white coffee and carried it over to my table.
The dish is served in a giant white coffee cup.
On a round white coffee table are copies of Vibe.
A huge white coffee cup swung from a steel rod beneath the window.
They were talking to each other - 'I'm glad you drink white coffee.
Her plain white coffee mug was reflected in her lenses.
The flavor of white coffee is frequently described as nut like, with pronounced acidity.
There was a white coffee jug in the center of the table, surrounded by upside-down mugs.
Stubbs sat on a steel table against one wall, holding a white coffee mug in both hands.
White coffee is coffee with milk in it.
Ann Ingstrom looked a bit better after a few sips of very sweet, white coffee.
She bought a creamy white coffee mug decorated with a brushlike crimson flower.
He pushed a coin in the hot drinks dispenser, then waited for the plastic cup to fill with white coffee.
Ipoh White Coffee is also widely available in an instant version.
I always do white coffee!
White coffee table, white side tables, and two of those white ergonomic-looking chairs with no backs.
It was founded in 2009 and produces White Coffee, coffee which is baked rather than roasted.
Probably white coffee.
There is a debate that white coffee is more highly caffeinated than darker roasted coffee.
There is also a form of white coffee, native to Yemen, which refers to the ground shell of the coffee bean.
After the outburst, a man's black loafer lay by the long table where white coffee cups were arranged for the post-service congregants.
White coffee can refer to any of a number of coffee or coffee substitutes worldwide.
Picking up her thick white coffee mug she hit the girl on as much force as she could across her cheekbone.
Ipoh white coffee is made from coffee beans specially roasted with palm oil margarine.