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His eyes rolled whitely toward the black woods around him.
She leaned back against the wall and the morning sun lay whitely upon her face.
Three pairs of eyes looked whitely from Bond to the leader.
At first his skin had gleamed whitely in the summer sun.
Her fingertips were pressing whitely against the cup she held.
His wings were whitely gold as those of a young eagle.
Whitely, an ace all season, had a later goal and five assists.
The pads of her fingers pressed whitely into his arms.
I come into a room and find them whitely merging in a corner.
He hadn't really expected to impress her, but to his surprise she drew back whitely.
He lay on his back, blind eyes staring whitely upward.
In all other parts of the sky the great stars blazed whitely.
The answer had been very satisfactory, and Paul smiled whitely at his reflection.
His eye fell on something glimmering whitely behind the dark foliage.
Another leaned whitely against the wall and nursed a broken arm.
Hakoore peered whitely after her for a time, then turned back to me.
They shone so whitely they might have had a light inside.
He laughed again and she could see his teeth gleam whitely across the room.
Also, they have the whitely coloured mouth of the aurochs.
"And that sounds wonderful, from you," she said, showing her teeth whitely in a smile.
Then a rubble of shattered stone lay whitely under the moon.
Her breath puffed out whitely with each word, but the girl still didn't seem to notice she was there.
The bed of quicksand loomed whitely even in the dark.
It stood out whitely whenever he was tanned in summer."
"That is precisely what I mean," he said, his smile flashing whitely in the darkness.