Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Covering three generations, this "Biography" episode is wider in scope and more intriguing than most.
The job was to take a year but, growing ever wider in scope and more involved, and invading related areas, had already dragged on for two.
The interrogations Cee attended became wider in scope, and often much uglier.
However, this use is misleading and non-standard, since the link layer implies functions that are wider in scope than just network access.
Such researches and studies, we hope, will be wider in scope and deeper in insight than this book.
However, most member states have transposed the directive with national laws that are wider in scope than the directive and cover local advertising.
Noting that the new markets are wider in scope and more carefully regulated, he described them as more promising than in the first experiment.
What schoolchildren and the general public will ask us will naturally be questions which are very much wider in scope than those we have discussed here today.
It has therefore drafted a Second General Directive, similar in principle, but much wider in scope than the First.
It could be wider in scope and cover citizens legally resident on the territory of the EU, but employed in very unfavourable conditions.
The NRMA's growth had made its rival operations considerably wider in scope and reach.
Their concepts are wider in scope and significance, and far better documented than Von Daniken' simplistic efforts.
For all these reasons, we have treated sound-change as something rather wider in scope than a simple unilinear process in a purely phonetic/phonological dimension.
Other comprehensive lists are wider in scope by including more than just confirmed sites, such as probable, possible, suspected and rejected/discredited impact sites on their lists.
This gave Hallstrom access and opportunities to compromise more and more of his nations most sensitive secrets-secrets ranging ever wider in scope and intelligence value.
In many cases they are now wider in scope than the function which gave them birth; in others they are at least on a par with the sales function.
The link layer in TCP/IP is still wider in scope and in principle a different concept and terminology of classification.
My own virus was wider in scope, true to form in pushing me to accumulate all manner of useless objects but quite catholic in what it encouraged me to resist.
Another report said new information showed Iraq's chemical warfare program had been so much more developed and "wider in scope" than admitted by Saddam that all Iraqi disclosures were "invalid."
Although the incidents have been isolated and apparently unconnected, political analysts suggest that the protests have been wider in scope and more violent than others in the last few years.
The Indian Contagious Disease Acts were similar in content, but wider in scope then the domestic Contagious Disease Acts.
Civic humanism is slightly wider in scope and stresses the central role of civic virtue in the preservation of the classically Roman/Florentine ideal of political liberty.
Detailed terms of reference of the inquiry - wider in scope than the specific case in question - were announced by the Prime Minister, John Major, on Nov. 16.
Since the 18th century, improvement boards had been established in many urban areas to take responsibility for paving, lighting and cleaning of streets, but over time their functions became wider in scope.