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Those who do usually come out looking like they've been set on by wild dogs.
The further south you go, the more wild dogs there are.
"It was the same wild dog I saw the other night."
At this time of year, it was probably just a fox or a wild dog.
However, some changes in the wild dog population could be observed.
My team is going to set upon you like a pack of wild dogs.
But your people they know only as the wild dogs who are their enemies.
With wild dogs in pursuit it is a different matter.
What is to be done with wild dogs such as these?"
We're like wild dogs going at it, he thought in despair.
At the end is an exhibit for African wild dogs.
There are packs of wild dogs that come down every fall.
It was much worse than the scream of the wild dog.
A wild dog is relatively small for a creature that lives on big game.
Stray and wild dogs within the region were also put down by the government.
"You didn't hear wild dogs running around the room a few minutes ago?"
It might have been merely a wolf, or perhaps a wild dog.
And to this had been added the need to tame the wild dog.
At least a few were set in front of wild dogs to be torn to pieces.
She grabbed on to his upper arm like a wild dog.
Wild dogs reach sexual maturity at the age of 12-18 months.
The police here believe it is a creature other than a wild dog gone mad.
The silent dead were left behind for the tigers and the wild dogs.
The wild dogs, for instance, have only four toes, not five.
We're going to have to play like wild dogs.