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Tofutti vanilla has 158 calories and Tofutti wildberry, 210.
Summer Berry (limited edition - sold in Australia as "Wildberry")
"Each enjoys its own admixture of beach plum, wildberry, or other wilde seed or fruit.
Wildberry Punch (Mad Rollin' Dolls)
The cider brand is Halmstad which is produced in approx 10 different flavours including Wildberry, Dry Lime and Apple.
Weet-Bix Fruity Bites Apricot, Wildberry (formerly Fruity-Bix)
Smint Micro Mints are available in the following flavours: mint, spearmint, peppermint, extra strong, lemon, wildberry, blackberry, mild fresh mint and winter ice.
It comes in four lightly sweetened flavors: Ginger Mango Vitality, Peach Serenity, Lemon-Ginseng Sensuality and Wildberry Longevity.
POM Wonderful Pomegranate Light Hibiscus Green ... POM Wonderful Pomegranate Light Wildberry White... POM Wonderful Pomegranate Peach Passion White T..
The somewhat formal Florentine Dining Room and skylighted Circle Dining Rome specialize in the cuisine of good French restaurants, with a few Southern touches (crab cakes with watermelon-lime marmalade, Champagne grape and wildberry soup served in a coconut shell.