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Do you mean, does he always act like a wise ass or a child?
Ferguson noted that this is because his "wise ass" chip was activated.
It's no longer possible for some wise ass magician to summon up a demon whenever he wants.
"If it makes you happy to be wise ass with me, you go ahead," the guard said, his feelings hurt.
After all, nobody likes a wise ass.
For all his being a wise ass Berthold was actually a serious professor:
"All right, wise ass," Jones said in exasperation.
"Good shot," he said, "for a snot-nosed, loudmouthed wise ass of a rookie.
He didn't much like this young woman with her inherited good looks and her acquired big-city, wise ass manner.
"You ever notice how the wise asses always sit in the back," Cavalierre cracked, and then smiled convincingly.
"We got friend, wise ass.
"Wise ass," the chief growled.
And don't be a wise ass, either, Barnett or I'll slap you back in here on some false pretense just to keep you still."
"Wise ass," he snarled.
And Al Sharpton is THE typical wise ass with the great one liners.
"Wise ass, huh?"
Alexa Nikolas as Willow - This feisty Lolita goth girl is equal parts awkward high school outcast and nihilistic wise ass.
Wise ass remarks were my way and Bobby's way of reminding Manuel that we knew as well as he did that his authority was now mostly illegitimate and that pushed too hard, we would resist it.
"Wise apple, huh?"