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He just kept looking at me with those wolfish eyes.
Well, he has a wolfish cast to him, now as I look close.
When he stared down at me, his eyes had gone wolfish.
After a few minutes he returned with a wolfish smile on his face.
But there was another, less wolfish, reason for my ready acceptance.
He looked normal enough, all the wolfish changes hidden away.
And still his refrain was "We live in wolfish times."
This was a remark that three days before she would have thought of as wolfish.
Not alone with their own eyes did they see the wolfish creature in the clear light of day, standing before them.
For a moment all three men shared a wolfish grin.
This time his grin was quick, and just a little wolfish.
Then he smiled, which gave him a sort of wolfish charm.
His hair was wet too, and he had long, golden, wolfish eyes.
He smiled for the first time, a cold, wolfish grin.
His wolfish appearance caught their eyes at once, and they pointed him out to one another.
He glanced at me with eyes that were still pale and wolfish.
Miles returned the grin, his more wolfish than hers had been.
Wolfish as their breed always is, the leader could not stand competition.
Wheaton cuts his eyes at me, a wolfish look in them.
Dare looked up from the screen with a wolfish grin.
The thought brought a wolfish smile to his face.
I raised my face and met those wolfish eyes.
The man lowered his weapon and gave them a wolfish grin.
He must also do what he can to keep his wolfish nature in check.
Slowly, a smile that could only be called wolfish curled his mouth.