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We're so thrilled at all of the comments and questions on our Womenomics series.
"Womenomics" has sparked a debate about what this new way of work means for women.
To meet women professionals on a regular basis in the framework of meetings called 'Womenomics'.
It's part of a movement we call Womenomics.
You'd think as someone who has written a book called Womenomics about the power of women in the workforce, I'd be thrilled by these numbers.
Now--in Womenomics, we're not trying to suggest we don't need men at all!
Claire and Katty have a new book called Womenomics.
Womenomics is the combination of two truisms.
Womenomics translated into Farsi - coming next!
She is the co-author of the New York Times best seller Womenomics.
She has also found time to co-author a New York Times bestseller called Womenomics.
But that's changing--and Womenomics shows that the companies that don't embrace this won't be able to compete soon enough.
Nevertheless, if you are a prime minister in urgent search of growth, the numbers behind so-called "womenomics" in Japan are compelling.
What Is Womenomics?
Can`womenomics' save Japan?
She was credited by Shinzo Abe, prime minister of Japan, with having coined the term "womenomics".
"Womenomics": another Abenomics neolgism.
Wall Street Journal Womenomics///and Leave Dads Alone!
In Womenomics, Shipman and Kay explore the theory that trends in the current business world have allowed women to leverage their value in order to redefine success.
See more images from the conference Womenomics It has been estimated that by 2020, 53% of leading businesses will be run by women and women will earn more income than men.
We actually write a bit about that in Womenomics--and also the idea that you also can't judge your spouse for not wanting to spend as much time at home as you do.
Kathy Matsui, chief Japan equity strategist at Goldman Sachs and longtime proponent of "womenomics," has said that encouraging the participation of women in the workforce should be a national priority.
Womenomics is the notion that women can have great power in the workplace, and that their desire to work differently is finally bringing down the old order and creating huge new opportunities based on newer, more flexible rules.
"Good Morning America" brought together a round-table of women of various ages and at various stages in their careers to discuss the "Womenomics" phenomenon and the pressure to be successful both at home and at work.
Claire and I have been in San Francisco for our Womenomics book tour and I feel very far away from the events in Tehran but I can’t stop thinking about those pictures out of Iran.