Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She had never seen anything in her life so wondrously beautiful.
Old people in death are supposed to look wondrously young.
And each was the most wondrously beautiful girl he had ever seen - in his life.
Then, wondrously, they turned back and bore down on us again.
She was not thinking of that scene spread so wondrously before her.
She was wondrously skilled with her hands, among other things.
Up to a point, a few actually do, but most are just kind of wondrously useless.
The thought of me as governor aroused the old man wondrously well.
Often, streets were wondrously familiar to her the first time that she set foot on them.
Mother Nature has worked things out wondrously well, has she not?
But never had I found myself in a place so wondrously strange as this, the home of all the gods.
The sky was wondrously blue, not a cloud in sight.
On a wondrously climactic last day of the regular season.
It was all so wondrously clear to him, suddenly.
It is the coolest thing about that wondrously strange woman.
Indeed, the theater is so wondrously strange, there must be magic in it.
Nonetheless, the moment I was inside, the place seemed wondrously presentable to me.
The sky was wondrously clear through the open windows.
A wondrously bright full moon beamed cold white light across the world.
That would also be a wondrously fine way to annoy El.
My right hand wondrously traces the curve of her jaw.
He had moved with great economy, always in balance, his confident skills wondrously displayed.
Wondrously, too, the rear windows went all the way down - something that cannot be said for many of today's vehicles.
With a shock, I felt the marble floor beneath me, so wondrously warm.
Her face was wondrously smooth in the wash of the passing lights.