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If necessary, trim the cuts with a wood rasp or file.
I'd call it heaven, though he shaved me with a wood rasp.
Then use a wood rasp to finish shaping out the spiral.
Cutting can be done with a saber saw, router or sometimes just a wood rasp.
A plume of fine fuzz rose as he attacked the creature with a wood rasp.
Hadanelith took up a fine wood rasp and began smoothing the surface of the carving, smiling with anticipation.
It gave out a noise that reminded Rick of a wood rasp rubbing over a piece of broken pine.
Microplane originally made wood rasps and shaving disks and they continue to do so today.
If the sill does not fit smoothly, remove it and trim it with a plane, sharp chisel, wood rasp or file.
Raw edges can be filed smooth, or the brick can be shaped further using a wood rasp or file.
Smooth the raw edges with a file, or shape the brick with a wood rasp or mill file.
I managed to choke it down-but the corrosive liquid grated my throat like a wood rasp and produced an afterburn like an F16.
Jack Vega's voice has the quality of a wood rasp drawn across the broken edge of a tin can, the vocal legacy of cigars and alcohol.
It becomes necessary to saw and chisel out the bulk of the material, then finish off with a spokeshave, half-round wood rasp or a cylindrical surform.
The $35 Open Up is an inverted plastic cone whose inner surface is covered with thin strips of steel, not unlike the metal on a wood rasp.
O'odham songs are accompanied by hard wood rasps and drumming on overturned baskets, both of which lack resonance and are "swallowed by the desert floor".
He would further manually optimize propellers for air racers in the field with the aid of a wood rasp which he used to remove material from the propeller.
An angle grinder with 'Flap Disk' and a half round wood rasp was used to remove the bulk of the wood, finishing it finally with freecut paper.
The starship's hold was full of roiling white smoke, harsh as a wood rasp on the back of Huber's throat in the instant before his helmet slapped filters down over his nostrils.
For example, when Microplane discovered that its surform type wood rasps had become popular as food graters and zesters, it adapted the woodworking tools and marketed them as "zester / graters".
The Microplane, which is technically a wood rasp - discovered in Canada by the resourceful wife of a hardware store owner in a desperate moment while baking orange cake - produces something wholly different from nubby pebbles of cheese.
The Microplane wood rasp, a sleek stainless steel surform rasp first marketed as a woodworking tool and known generically as a microplane, recently became popular as a kitchen utensil for, among other uses, grating cheese (see Zester).