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He is a true wordsmith, about the last one in rock.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that both wordsmiths were away at the time.
This year, too, the wordsmiths will set a new standard for the human race.
A knife which the two wordsmiths were holding between them.
The young wordsmith invited him to sit on a rock.
He found the old wordsmith watching him with an amused expression.
We're going to look at just a few of these to help inspire your inner wordsmith.
People in the workplace speak of the need to "wordsmith" when what they mean is to write.
And also one of a rare breed; a female wordsmith.
In a race of idiots, the wordsmiths were the bright guys.
On the third day, the main subject was wordsmiths.
The old wordsmith closed his eyes as he inhaled more smoke.
When the wordsmith found out what he had been up to his whiskers would catch fire.
"I was about to ask if you had any more," said Wordsmith, falling into step beside the human.
But if you're not a wordsmith, just be heartfelt and honest.
But the author's batting average as a wordsmith is exceedingly high.
The kitchen door opened and out came the wordsmiths.
But they agree that their primary function is to provide a sanctuary for wordsmiths.
Why should I use my valuable space to promote a competitor wordsmith?
Being the old wordsmith he is, Paul somehow manages to comply.
The wordsmith, in turn, had passed that resolve on to those around him but she could not control the whole clan.
Wordsmith remained almost motionless for twenty hours, then opened his eyes.
"I'm a wordsmith, and television is a medium of words.
He figures the writers, as wordsmiths, are all pretty much interchangeable.
The old wordsmith loved to make things sound mysterious.