Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
For the families, the place seems to work on the principle that misery loves company.
We work on the principle that you should only pay for the services you need.
They work on the principle that most people pay up if they're pestered for long enough.
The system works on the principle that images can be remembered more easily than numbers.
The mission controllers work on the principle that if you know too much it'll get in your way.
But all are working on the principle that one company's waste can be its neighbor's raw material.
This worked on the principle that Siberia teaches you a lesson.
The machine works on the principle that heat rises, while cold descends.
The therapy works on the principle that like cures like.
It works on the principle that not everything may be bought or sold, even if the seller agrees to an exchange of money.
The end result is acceptable to us, working on the principle that the forest is more important than the trees.
This method works on the principle that continuous particle removal will keep the system clean.
Lithographic duplicators work on the principle that oil and water do not mix.
It works on the principle that any individual who shares its values can be an equal part of its work.
Borgle worked on the principle that if you find it in water, it's a fish.
Which is it-itchy feet, or are you working on the principle that a moving target's hard to hit?"
'I work on the principle that if it's growing and looking healthy, pull it out.
They generally work on the principle that like magnetic polarities repel each other.
Previous attempts to decentralise power have tended to work on the principle that one size fits all.
They work on the principle that passing a high voltage through a low-pressure gas generates light.
Most of us work on the principle that if you've got the time and the chance to check every step of the way, it's worth doing.
One of the most striking is a chilling, enigmatic priest who works on the principle that the end justifies the means.
Social Security works on the principle that each generation of workers pays taxes that cover its parents' retirement benefits.
We've always worked on the principle that what is our business is nobody else's business.'
It works on the principle that you achieve the same percentage margin on all the elements of your packages.
At least we must work on the assumption that he is.
When a crime is reported to the police they do not work on the assumption that anyone could have done it.
"They work on the assumption that you are a criminal."
"I was working on the assumption that only locals would be familiar with it."
These work on the assumption that usually only one of the two parties to a conversation is speaking at a given time.
I am working on the assumption that the decommissioning is actually to take place before 2005.
It works on the assumption that each side is willing to move from its starting point during the negotiations.
"We're working on the assumption that we'll have to support ourselves in our retirement," she said.
We are working on the assumption that the agreement could contribute to greater freedom of thought.
"I'm just working on the assumption that we're better off with him than without him."
"For a long time around here, with the economy so good, people have worked on the assumption that they can have everything," he said.
"But, I'm working on the assumption that this is deliberate.
He had to work on the assumption that the boy was still on this world and those who took him a part of it.
Since nine members survived the fire, the authorities had been working on the assumption that they would find 86 bodies.
As an international fund stands ready to finance these operations, I am working on the assumption that everything will go according to plan.
We are of course working on the assumption that they, like the uninjured persons, have also been set free.
The Commission proposal works on the assumption that private firms will be involved, including financially.
Perhaps they were working on the assumption that she had left home unusually early that morning.
"In any case, you'll have to work on the assumption that I shall be away for some considerable' time.
"At this point we're working on the assumption that he is," he said.
Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter.
That's working on the assumption that knocks off kill the exclusivity.
"We're working on the assumption that it was some kind of ice derivative.
Working on the assumption that the tunnel led straight to the house explained where Royce had gone.
They must work on the assumption that people would buy their products of they couldn't get them for free.
"We continue to work on the basis that this is so," they said.
However, I had to work on the basis that whoever killed him wanted to know where we were.
"Did you work on the basis that the material acted as a point mass?"
The system worked on the basis that all land was owned by the government, which would then assign it to individual families.
We work on the basis that everything is a zero sum game - I win, you lose."
The fund worked on the basis that the calls were 'stolen'.
The Ventura approach is a document-oriented one working on the basis that each page will have a similar format.
We must work on the basis that this is not a proposal for a Directive for patenting computer programs.
Yes the districts have been working on the basis that I twelve is an additional provision to I five.
Laser protection goggles work on the basis that laser light is one frequency, making it easy to filter out.
The system works on the basis that oil and gas have a higher electrical resistance than the salt water that often fills the rock pores.
The technology works on the basis that if a piece of software runs on a significant proportion of computers, then it is safe.
We are therefore working on the basis that at least EUR 1 billion will be allocated to emergency aid measures.
"Generally, we work on the basis that we're part of a community," Mr. Castagna said.
I agree with bringing our rules into line with each other, but we must work on the basis that we are devising our own models.
This plan, code-named Matador, worked on the basis that the Japanese would land on the east coast of Thailand and then advance south.
The EU must work on the basis that terrorism is to be opposed through legitimate means and in a way that respects both international and national law.
All other considerations aside, society worked on the basis that those who were important in it deserved something more than those who were merely parasites upon it.
Subtraction : Working on the basis that most of us find it easier to add than to subtract, why not use addition to make the subtraction process simpler.
ICMS works on the basis that there are optimum natural conditions for every aspect of the growing process, and it studies the knock-on effect of every action.
We work on the basis that we are not inflicting a footpath on the countryside but developing a footpath that is part and parcel of the landscape.
Change the explanation for the Old Martians," I would have kept my griping to myself and worked on the basis that the Customer Is Always Right.
The two party system in the US works on the basis that it presents a choice between left and right to the electorate (even if this is largely, if not entirely, an illusion).
The service worked on the basis that the one penny postage was paid when the letter was accepted (a key element of Rowland Hill's 1839 reforms of the British postal system).
Can we really work on the basis that when we do good and solve conflicts, at the same time we will be causing the civilian population so much anxiety and insecurity in the future?
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