He works undercover, riding buses in civilian clothes, waiting for taggers to "get up" as they head back and forth to school.
Wheeler has worked undercover to reveal the internal operations of Hamas within the United States, leading to several suspects named in the reports to be arrested.
Once again Vinnie is working deep undercover for the Organized Crime Bureau, this time in Los Angeles.
From 1997 to 2007, he worked undercover for Israel's internal security service Shin Bet, which considered him its most valuable source within the Hamas leadership.
From egg to eaglet, the birds were tended by humans who worked undercover to avoid imprinting human traits on their charges.
"No, an agent working undercover."
We have people in that part of the world who have both spotted Gorman and have worked undercover to bring him in.
The members of the Springfield family are highly trained paranormal investigators who work undercover to unravel mysteries and discover the truth about paranormal activities.
He'd work undercover to expose the prominent crime families and have a showdown with the head don.
As leader of the local underground resistance network, Juanita works undercover to collect information as Parra's lover.