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For parents working unsocial hours, a workplace creche is an essential lifeline.
The package includes extra payments for some police officers with a 10% pay uplift for those working unsocial hours at a cost of £106m and a £6m improvement in maternity pay from 13 to 18 weeks.
These may include experience, a more equable disposition, more settled way of life, less tendency to want to chop and change, no demands from a young family (women's work record improves as they get older), proven ability and reliability, a number of good references, willingness to work unsocial hours.
We have already seen in section 5.3 that the employment situation of black people is not nearly as good as that of whites; they are concentrated in declining and low-wage industries, work unsocial hours for low wages, have poor promotion prospects and are at greater risk of unemployment.
They frequently work within structures of insecurity - their jobs are unskilled, poorly paid and often part-time; they have few fringe benefits; and they may work unsocial hours in poor working conditions, lacking the security of trade unions or protective legislation (see Susan Lonsdale's chapter in this volume).