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A major world conference on population is scheduled for 1994.
The notion of having a world conference on human rights was first proposed in 1989.
He also organized the first world conference on health and human rights, at Harvard in 1996.
He was also general secretary of the Edinburgh world conference on faith and order in 1937.
The film opened their world conference in Bangkok and was then made available online.
Later that year he organized a world conference of mayors in Switzerland.
This was followed by a resolution of the World Conference in 2000.
"You can argue that we were headed for trouble by having a world conference against racism," he said.
It is highly unlikely now that any such world conference will take place in Seattle anytime soon.
It also agrees to hold a World Conference on three sites in 1991.
Recently, he proposed holding a world conference on prostitution in Ouagadougou.
The world conference normally sets the time and place for the next conference.
It facilitates a world conference with a rose exhibition every three years, sponsored by a national society.
So one piece in this collection began as the keynote speech at a world conference of theologians.
The time has come to revive the idea of empowerment by organising a new world conference.
She attended nine of the ten World Conferences between 1950 and 1975.
Its decisions may be landmark, usually overturned only through action of a World Conference.
Every three years representatives from the member states meet in a World Conference to discuss and vote on policy.
That report became the most sensationalized story to come out of this negative world conference on cannabis.
It is also important to organize a world conference on the issue, in order to reach a common position condemning cloning of human beings.
This is the only time non-delegates are permitted to vote on World Conference business.
The Pentecostal World Conference is held in about every three years.
Then the executive board meets before a world conference on doping begins in Lausanne.
We're putting together the Digital World conference, and it is really difficult to find high-level women to be on the panels.
The 13th World Conference was held in the same college in 1950.