Christopher, having seen people make wrongheaded decisions when they were abroad, approved of his prudence.
But there is a decision pending within the bowels of the federal government that may be the single most incomprehensibly wrongheaded decision of the century.
That is unlikely, however; as Ms. Langston notes, most wrongheaded decisions about national forests can be traced to arrogance.
Or, at least, they used to-before Bush managed to equal and surpass pretty much every wrongheaded decision and politically-motivated maneuver Slick Willy ever attempted in his eight years of office.
At first, it appeared to be a wrongheaded decision; with heavy makeup, Kwan seemed to be yet another teen-ager rushed unnecessarily toward adulthood.
With several wrongheaded decisions, he says, ABC all but wrecked "G.M.A.," whose audience migrated to NBC.
Many people read this snub as a wrongheaded political decision to leave the Holocaust behind.
"It would be a tragedy for our country and our culture if this whole program is capsized or destroyed by these few wrongheaded decisions," he said.
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, a Republican from United's home state, Illinois, said that the federal panel's decision was "clearly a wrongheaded decision for our nation's economy on so many grounds."
Pence believes that "the Obama administration must overturn this wrongheaded decision".