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The Yanqui had been bold with her, but he seemed kind as well.
"But you have never wanted to see a Yanqui," he reminded her.
Another Yanqui who doesn't want to be stuck out in the jungle.
Some Yanqui politician said to win office one must have fire in the belly.
How you drove the hated Yanqui from our land.
Of course the Yanqui boy evaluates everything by price.
On only two other occasions in his life had he found sufficiently strong reason to venture into the Yanqui section.
Her eyes were fixed on the Yanqui, who was bound and gagged.
"The doors of this house are forever shut to that Yanqui barbarian!"
All the romantic rumors she had heard about the Yanqui billionaire had been true.
She handed one of them to the Yanqui boy, pointed at the rainwater tank, and told him to fill it.
The Yanqui must be right behind me.
The Yanqui was rumored to be in love with the American Presidents.
Lucita saw the name stenciled across her stern: Yanqui.
It was not until the next day that Anamari had time to notice the young Yanqui boy wandering around the village.
And if the Yanqui - and his own - governments had not been able to get to him here in Colombia, how could these people?
But he would no more have allowed them into his house than I will have that Yanqui enter this one!"
Some sounded idealistic notes, saying the joy of the game meant more than the lure of Yanqui dollars.
Latin Americans cannot forget a history of Yanqui invasions built on flimsy pretexts.
Diego stood at the center of "El Yanqui," a picaro whose every thought and feeling became familiar to the reader.
She thought about the Yanqui, Dan Randolph, again.
"Because he is a Yanqui?
Both embraced Communism, derided Yanqui anti-imperialism and put great stock in loyalty.
"The same Yanqui who killed my Dominique.
We have suffered under Yanqui tyranny long enough; with this we can have full independence at last."